I’ve started using UFLI (University of Florida Literacy Institute)’s phonics curriculum in my intervention groups and we are having a great time and learning so much! Here I’ll share some of the lesson tools I am using and will use for the UFLI curriculum. (there are affiliate links throughout this blogpost)
UFLI Slides – These are life saving and guide you right through the lesson! You can find them online in the UFLI toolbox.

UFLI Pocket Reference – When you are first starting UFLI, these pocket reference sheets from UFLI are helpful so you don’t have to keep flipping back and forth in the manual.

UFLI Toolbox – The toolbox from UFLI has decodable passages and roll & reads for students that are aligned to the lessons.

Articulation Mirrors – UFLI introduces sounds with mouth formations, using mirrors to help students see how their mouth move is helpful.

Student Workbook – UFLI curriculum can be done with white boards and markers, but I like having proof of what we have done for the day, especially since I work in intervention and need data to give to their teachers. This is not a must have, but it has been very helpful to guide me and my students through the lessons.

Magnetic Letter Boards:
- Cookie Sheets (I got mine from Dollar Tree, which might be cheaper)
- Magnetic Letters (cheaper than Lakeshore if you are buying them yourself, these are magnetic foam, not plastic)
- Letter Guide (from Just a Primary Girl)

Other Science of Reading aligned tools that can be used for UFLI:
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