Subitizing is an important part of learning numbers. Subitizing is when you can identify a set of numbers quickly without counting. A good example of this in our own lives is rolling a dice for a game, it’s very likely you can identify what you land on within a second and you didn’t have to count the dots.
This fluidity with number recognition is a building block to adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing. This work is usually done in kindergarten and built up to 20 in first grade. Kindergarteners are subitizing within 5, while first and second grades will be subitizing within 20.
Let’s jump into some activities we can do for subitizing…
Here is a playlist of subitizing videos I have saved on YouTube.
Domino Sort

This activity is a combination of subitizing, number recognition, and addition. I put out a tray labeled with numbers 1-12 (find some chip trays here-Amazon aff link). Then I throw a bunch of dominoes out in the middle and let them sort the dominoes into the tray. I’ll randomly question a student with a domino (“How many are on this side? What about the other? How many is that all together?”). The students are adding and don’t even realize it! I give my students a 120 chart if they cannot match the numbers just yet. We use the 120’s chart to count and see what the digit looks like if needed. Find domino sets here-Amazon aff link.
Subitizing Cards

This is activity covers most of the same work that the domino sort does. It can be played as “Memory”, “Go Fish”, or simply matching. Students need to match the number cards to the word cards, finger cards, and subitizing cards. These cards will help reinforce student fluency with number recognition and internalize it for the basis of addition. I can’t find the originals, but made a set here for you for free!
Building on Subitizing to Add

Once students are able to subitize, let’s start working on fact families to 10! We love these games to help us develop our 5-10 fact fluency. Students use manipulatives to help them make fact families using number bonds! We have a lot of fun with these and it’s a great way to use our subitizing skills. A video is linked below to watch, or grab them in my shop here!
Subitizing Dice
These subitizing dice (affiliate link) are a great addition to small groups. They are color coordinated for differentiation (0-5, 5-10, 15-20). Pull out what you need and use it as a quick practice piece during small group time.
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