I absolutely love how they came out, they were SO simple, and affordable!Run to Michael’s to get your’s!
Don’t forget to check out all of the other AMAZING crafts people have been working on over on Tara’s blog.
Happy Monday!
A Primary Teaching Blog
I absolutely love how they came out, they were SO simple, and affordable!Run to Michael’s to get your’s!
Don’t forget to check out all of the other AMAZING crafts people have been working on over on Tara’s blog.
Happy Monday!
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1 week ago
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
Pixie Anne says
What a great idea – I bet your friends will love these!
Growing Little Learners
Jen Bonner//Sparkling in Second says
Thanks !
Jessica Fredrickson says
Jen these are adorable! I am going to have to run to Michael's now and make a giraffe sign just like that for my best friend, she loves jungle animals. Thanks for sharing, glad I found your cute blog!
Fun in PreK-1 & Kinder
Jen Bonner//Sparkling in Second says
That giraffe just made my life complete! I now want a giraffe class mascot!
Rachel Vincent says
This is too funny! I just bought the same chalkboards and wooden cut outs to make the same thing for my teammates!!! Great minds think alike!!
A Tall Drink of Water
Jen Bonner//Sparkling in Second says
Too funny! I love it! I can't wait to see yours!
Carol H says
Those chalkboard signs are adorable! I'll definitely have to pin for later. ^_^
The Super Sparkly Teacher
Jen Bonner//Sparkling in Second says
Thanks Carol 🙂
vicky1970 says
So many cute ideas Jen…I love your watermark too…
Teaching and Much Moore