[…] Jen has a passion for education and all things that sparkle. She blogs at Sparking in Second. […]
A Primary Teaching Blog
[…] Jen has a passion for education and all things that sparkle. She blogs at Sparking in Second. […]
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LMNO pond says
Tip #1 is so important. When I moved from fourth to first last year I told my co-teacher early on that I felt like I just was not at all effective at teaching them math. Once she told me about the 6 minute attention span and gave me tips on how to get them rotating through a math block it made all the difference. 🙂
Learning in Wonderland says
Great tips Jen! I could not agree with you more about the attention span! I was used to end of the year second graders so when I saw my firsties glaze over after just 10 minutes… I panicked a little. It took me a couple of weeks to see how I needed to focus on the important stuff in my lessons and then move.
Lauren Shirk says
Amen to #1!!!!!! #theyreonlysix
The Brown-Bag Teacher says
This is a fabulous post, Jen! I love that my first grade friends love being entertained. I actually just received a cape in the mail today. I can't wait to be it into action. 🙂 Thanks for the shout-out!
Kristen Sullins says
Last year was the first time I had heard about the age=attention span rule. Now I keep that in mind any time I plan a new lesson and it has made things run so much more smoothly! I glad you addressed the misconception that you have to change subjects every six/seven minutes because that's what I thought at first!
Where The First Graders Are
Emily Yerty says
I loved reading this post Jen! I kept thinking "Me too!" "Me too!" It sounds like we have really similar teaching styles. You can never be too silly for firsties!
Polka Dots Please
Elyse Rycroft says
Entertaining is so important! I have a blast making the kids laugh and they really connect with you when you show them you can have fun! Thanks for the fun linky!!
Elyse 🙂
Proud to be Primary
Jessica Preece says
My first read of another first grade teacher's blog (as a new firstie teacher)! 🙂