Classroom jobs. The name of it just gives me a headache. But I’ve found a sure-fire way to alleviate the stress of those classroom job charts! I wish someone had told me about this my very first year of teaching. I have made some adorable, elaborate job charts in my years. Check this one out! I was so in love with it! It had mini-clips & melonheadz. What more could you ask for!?!?
(ignore my feet…)
But this little chart here, well that thing got beat up. Knocked off the wall. Kids were constantly asking why they couldn’t do their job or if they could do their job or when they could do their job. I decided…I’m not here to please the masses. I’m here to teach. I needed to ease my mind.
So I found a way! This little one takes the cake for me.
I saw a post recently from Sarah over at First Grader…at Last and it changed my life. Or at least the life of my classroom.
I now only have 2 helpers per week. That’s right folks. TWO. 2. dos. deux. And boy is it wonderful.
(I am so happy about my chart I don’t even care that this picture is TERRIBLE. Okay, I care because you probably care…I’m sorry! I’ll update this pic soon, I’ve made some changes to what it looks like in my classroom.)
It just sits there. So pretty. Under my light switch. Never to get knocked down or abused.
I explained my helpers HERE on Facebook Live (or read on to learn how).
So what do you need to create this easy Classroom Job Chart?
1. cut-outs to write names (or you could even use calendar numbers if you number your students)
2. hole punch (hole punch those cut-outs)
3. binder rings (slip those hole-punched cut-outs onto the ring)
Every week I flip a boy name and a girl name on the cut-outs and viola! Two new helpers. They do anything and everything I need.
Now I don’t have to make up jobs off the top of my head to fit all 24 kids. And none of those 24 kids ever ask why they never get to do their job (because, let’s be honest, out of 24 classroom jobs, I really only need 5).
I’m as happy as a clam with this and my kids love love LOVE being helper of the week. Sometimes they even wear their little “helpers” name tags if they feel like it! Which you can grab the name plates for free HERE.
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