{they are for Avery Address Labels 8160 to fit the top part of your file}
Teach another grade??
I’ve done a little research for you…click the grade you want and it will take you to TpT, where you can download the perfect label/design for you, for FREE!
2nd Grade Standards
3rd Grade Standards
4th Grade Standards
5th Grade Standards
Beth Morrow says
Common Core must be in the air…I spent today working on the 6th, 7th and 8th grade checklists I'll be using. I really like your idea of the folders for organization, especially with the labels. Thanks for sharing–and good luck with those firsties!
Beth @ Morrow In the Middle
Jen Cullen//Sparkling in Second says
Thanks Beth! Yes, common core is pretty much nation wide now, except for a few lucky states 😉
Shelby - First Time Firstie says
Omiword this makes me so happy! Thank you so much!
First Time Firstie
Jen Cullen//Sparkling in Second says
Haha glad I could help! You're welcome!
Debbie says
Thank you for listing by grade level. You made my search so simple. I hadn't thought of all the different ways of doing the labels, but I was able to find just the right ones. Organization…Here I come!
Jen Cullen//Sparkling in Second says
Glad I could help! Good luck!
Tasha Emmerson says
You are my hero! I have been needing to do this so badly, but have procrastinated like a champ! Thanks for the freebie! I know what I'll be doing next week!
Tasha Emmerson
Confessions of a Tiny Teacher
Jen Cullen//Sparkling in Second says
haha Thanks Tasha, sometimes we all need a little help in the world 😉
For His Glory Teaching says
The beginning of your post cracked me up!!! I am pretty sure my state is like the ONLY one who isn't on the common core train. But if we were, I would scoop these up!!!
Jen Cullen//Sparkling in Second says
Well Texas has it going on down there, so don't expect that common core anytime soon {and be happy about it too}!
Donna G says
This is amazing! Thank you for the wonderful idea and lables! Project time! Can’t wait to start sorting my files!
Erine says
Jen, did you ever make labels for 6th grade? I am moving f on 5th to 6th this year and need the common core labels. I loved the 5th grade ones.
Jen says
No I did not, I’m sorry! See if you can search for them on TpT 🙂
Emily says
Hi Jen,
I love the idea of the labels and filing! However, when I click on 3rd grade, I don’t see the labels on TPT. Could you help me out?
Thank you!
Jen says
I updated it, hope that helps!
Kelsey says
I can’t seem to get the 5th grade standard labels to pull up on TPT.
Jen says
Sometimes you have to search around on the TpT page for them, people will pull down their products, etc. Sorry! Try again, I relinked some!